⚗️Plagued By Old Questions
“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago”
— Nietzsche
I never seriously took to thinking about this quote, though it has been with me for a year now.
Being tired can be at an individual level or it can be en masse. At a larger scope, the ideas we are attacked with may seem to be new, such as the gender crisis, or the crisis of masculinity, but are really a regression backwards to timeless questions which plagued us generations ago. And to attack these modern issues as though they were new is nothing but to ignore the deeper context of all these questions. At an individual level, the ideas we are attacked with when we are tired, that is, when we have rescinded in exhaustion from the search for Truth, are fundamentally about our relationship with God. As individuals, we think that we are successful in answering questions regarding how to live, or how to prosper, or how to fix problems, but all the effort is ultimately circular in nature.
Our generation is tired. Not from hard work! But from a lack of having any zeal for life! Too often have we mistaken oursleves for being exhausted, even after a long day of labour, because most of us lack the zeal for something higher than ourselves. What is a days labour, or a weeks, a months, a whole lifetime of labour, if it is for something great and for the benefit of many, many others? Thus, we are not tired! We just have no zeal!
Being tired has lent ourselves into asking and entertaining old questions: does God really exist? Should I live my life for myself, or should I live my life in service to God? These two questions have become increasingly relevant since the overall state of our zeitgeist is becoming more and more atheist. The more athiest our generation becomes, the more evil become normalised, the more tired we become since we have regressed back to old questions.
We all should work towards answering for ourselves these questions, because the more we pretend these questions do not bother us, the more tired we will be, and the more tired we are, the more vulnerable we are to allowing evil around us.