On Our Modern Decline in Masculinity Part 1 - The Introduction
"Why conceal the word? Who, then, if not an author, must speak the sacred truth? You fear the deeply penetrating gaze, you are afraid to penetrate anything deeply with your own gaze, you like to skim over everything with unthinking eyes."
— Dead Souls, Nikolai Gogol
Under the heaviness of our highly sexualised and increasingly alpha-feminist zeitgeist, the modern man represses and hides his masculinity. From a paralysing fear of being discarded and labelled as 'ignorant', 'toxic', 'misogynist', and what is most horrible, 'anti-modern' or 'conservative', our modern man is hollowed from all opinion, all personality, all independant thought.
He does not say anything original, but only vocalises the slogans of the progessives - "...but women need empowerment!...I do respect your beliefs, but that's your reality...You can't call me that, you arogant drongo, my pronouns are 'My King" and 'My Master'...I identify as an object, contradict me or get sent to the gallows...I am a woman, I ought to be respected...Don't say that, you sound transphobic!...Your a homophobe! You're a racist and discrimatory!...I believe I am bisexual, affirm it!...Affirm me, and everything I say about me! Or else!...Affirm his/them/theys/thems gay rights, their lesbian rights, their rights of ownership over your voice! Affirm it!...Sex is nothing but physical exercise...They just had sex...But who cares if she gets pregnant - lets fornicate!...The world agrees this is normal, and so it must be normal!...Our liberalism is fundamentally against the conservatives, against duty, against stereotypes, against love! This must be futurist thinking and the way of the future...Traditions are outdated, they are old, and need to be thrown out...we know better than our ancestors...we don't need to philosophise, that's how good we are!..." and so on and so on, I could go on for eons.
And our modern man shrinks before this ubiquitous mob, for they come out from the darkest corners, waving their rainbow flags, screaming with bloodshot eyes, enraged by the idea of people confronting the reality they have created for themselves. They have decided to create such a fragile and baseless reality, and focalise the meaning of their very existence towards it, and that their identity is determined through this fictional reality.
The modern man is always cornered by this mob, and from all sides he hears them chanting, reciting, muttering, singing, croaking - all of them with some horrifying reverence - their progressive slogans! Our modern man cannot even hear himself speak, let alone breathe, for they are always an inch from his face, their hands shadowing a lock around his neck, every-ready to tighten at the slightest percieved diagreement or displeasure on his face or in his eyes.
And how frightened and emaciated is the countenance of our modern man! His face glistens over the sheen of sweat that drips precariously from his temples. His mouth is held quitely ajar, horrified at the thought of making a sound before this fearsome serpent of a thousand heads!
"And what am I thinking?", the modern man says to himself, "And where are my thoughts? My mind is empty and I can't think anything! Oh heavens aloft! Oh God, save me! I say to this mountain, 'move!' and it doesn't move!"
But how ironic this all is! That the rainbow represents God's promise never to flood the world again! A promise of reconciliation, a promise of peace!
Oh, how the rainbow flag of the LBGTQ+ is such a crude perversion of this sacred symbol! It is a promise of intervention! A promise to impose, to violate, to flood the world with violence!
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