Meditations Opus 4
[1]Do not be disturbed by your inadequacies, but take them to heart and let it motivate you to pursue greatness. If doing a task for 10 minutes a day will make you better, do it for an hour each day and you will improve many times faster.
[2]Do not be deceived by the wiles of women for they play with men like toys. Only pursue a woman if you love her, not on the whim of her seeming to like you. This means that we should look for women that will bolster a man and not make him weaker, that will emasculate him and encourage him to pursue great things, and not fight and pester him. This being said, you should not get distracted by them and the chase: know that there is an abundance of women, and the right women will fall into your hands when you need, if they see you focused on your goals. Women are not attracted to idle and hope-deprived men, at least women of value.
[3]Do not feel resentment for people that are more achieved than you and possess knowledge and experience that you do not have, for they either worked for it, or had the optimum conditions for attaining that knowledge – and it is this latter case that sends you! What of the child prodigies, and all those young and distinguished achievers, what bearing do they have to you? But when we pursue greatness, it is not for the title, it is purely for the love of learning and the love of pursuit. The audience will choose the passionate one over the learned one always!
[4]In those moments when you lose all confidence and you begin to feel weakened, people will advance and prey on you, and feed on your insecurities. In those moments when we feel humiliated, ashamed and soft towards your goals and self-esteem: - wake up! Do not learn to love feeling weak, for then all procrastination, all depressive habits(eating, drinking, playing idly) will then seem justified; we begin to dwell on our worth in others eyes, and opinions of others somehow become an overwhelming reality to us; our energy and life diminishes, and so we shrivel up and become humble(sometimes mistaking this for a feeling of reverence!); we sit and dream about what we could do and what we always wanted to do, and fantasise playfully – but this is all a roundabout way of doing absolutely nothing!