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Fear and Trembling by Soren Kierkegaard
Fear and Trembling by Soren Kierkegaard
‘Enough is Enough! “Fear and Trembling” is Not about Ethics’
Author: Ronald M. Green; Reviewer: Micheal GuirgiesThe main point of this article[1], if it is not stressed enough by its title – is its emphasis on an apparent and significant concern within Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, and that is the denunciation and transcendence of ethics as it is determin…

Sacrifice in Kierkegaard’s ‘Fear and Trembling’
Author: Sylvia Fleming Crocker; Reviewer: Michael Guirgies The questions which this article[1] seeks to address is first, that of the criteria which a work of faith can be classified under; and second, that of the significance of why we need faith to live a life authentic to ourselves. What

Deciphering “Fear and Trembling’“s Secret Message
Author: Ronald. M Green; Reviewer: Michael Guirgies Overview of Topics:First, what is it to sin?What is the problem of sin?What is the solution for reconciling sin with repentance?How, then, can we justify a teleological suspension of the ethical?What then, is the hidden meaning that Kierkegaard