And Where is Thine Guardian Angel?
And suddenly his joy is fulfilled: the one he has been waiting for comes, and he is not Ivan Matveich, the police officer, he is someone else, but the very one he has been waiting for. He has come and is calling him, and this one who is calling him is the same one who called out to him and told him to lie on Nikita. And Vassily Andreich is glad that this someone has come for him. “I’m coming!” he cries joyfully, and this cry rouses him.
— Master and Man, Leo Tolstoy
This is the uplifting thought to revive our weakening generation, that the unseen is here cooperating with us. It is not enough to simply believe that they are there, and neither to hope vainly for the sake of 'faith' that they are active (holy foolery disguised beneath a throttling existential fear), but rather to witness with a joy unquenching the tapestries woven by all these unseen forces: the saints, the angels, the archangels with the entire heavenly hosts, the martyrs, the priests, the righteous, and all those perfected in the faith. This is a tapestry of great wonder; - blessed is the one who witnesses its intricate, timeless weaving - the love of God manifesting in all things!
We lament and forsake hope at the mere sight of suffering, not daring to believe that there is something so much greater at work in the very midst of it all, hushing that deep longing in ourselves to reach out into the mists, into the unknown, into that which we cannot see for help. We look with suspicion but also a sincere curiosity into the great depths beneath the sky, to things far bigger than us, and this primal behaviour forms an indicium for this shred of irrevocable truth: that we understand we are overwhelmingly insignificant in comparison to the entire world, but unfamomably connected with the entirety of everything. We see the leaves and the grass wilting to the wind in a majestic sway, the light beaming and illuminating everything around us, this light emanating from the sun; the invisible warmth granted from the light, attracting all life to walk under its gaze with the inexplicable feeling of safety and harmony; this great light! - why, it is almost hard to believe that it radiates from this small orb in the sky. And we see all this, and we are unmoved. The wonders of this world leaves us yet parched. Indifferent.
Yet, for but this fleeting moment, in spite of it all, we somehow become fervent, eyes awash with earnest tears, ecstatic in this moment of passion. We raise our arms in prayer, and we thank the Lord our God for this great mystery of life bestowed on us! Our legs tremble while standing - for but this moment of passion - but we relish in this weakness, as though everything were revealed to us in that moment. Suddenly everything seems greater than us, and as though awash in humility, we find ourselves falling to the floor unto our knees, begging and pleading for mercy. We thank God for this moment, even though it had been for but a moment.
For but a moment! For but a fleeting moment! But if only it were enough!
And when we wake but a moment later, we recollect this revelation as a feverish haze, immediately dismissing and forgetting about it, even tinged with embarrassment.
The Crisis
What is there to do if we have lost all interest in the unseen! Our modern Christian is more sceptic than ever! Advancements in science have dulled our senses, and now we struggle to see even the things a fingers breadth away. Science has become our truth and our only path to truth - that anything science cannot see or explain is not worth our knowing and so doesn't exist, or doesn't have a right to exist. Everything which our modern Christian believes, is believed under the approval of science, and everything which science denies our modern Christian denies also. There is no originality of thought, no opinion, no personal belief, and therefore no motivation.
Our modern nihilism and collapsing of the congregation is the product of a religious adherence to science - science is holding captive the entire world, and we need only rememeber the absurdity of COVID-19 to convince ourselves. But even beneath this, we can see a deeper problem: this dependance on science which the world has, and this we see everyday in medicine production, vaccines, medical advice, psychiatric practice, medical practice, etc etc, has negated our desire to question the validity of anything, and to therefore take everything granted by science as true. This is nothing but the path to absolute slavery, and this is exactly what we should resist as Christians - to be not be "of the world".
Now we need to recognise that we cannot function as Christians if we do not rise above the level of slave cognition. But how do we escape the plebian class? To question and never take the words of the world to be true, for they do not know what truth is, hence everything which they call true must be false. This is most direly needed not only in questioning the validity of science, but government tactics upon the population through media. All media, all news are tools by government and so cannot be our lens to see the world. All media is by definition a perversion of reality for it only contains a moment, a frame of the reality which has passed. To take the news (all news) for example, there is always an exaggeration on the confict and never, never an inkling of the resolution. Such projects a entirely broken reality where only evil exists and nothing of the good. And this is completely absurd.
The Always Present Hope
Science, or rather a hellish materialism has clearly crippled us and enslaved us, dulled our minds and stolen our thoughts. We have no ambition, no goals or larger objectives since we are torn between being original and appeasing the world.
But that does not remove the fact that we can think for ourselves, and see for ourslelves as well, what actually is there.
The always present hope is the steadfastness of our Church which does not (or should not) dictate reality for us, but rather helps us to see reality clearer - here is the marvellous difference! There is nothing oppressive about our Church (at least our modern Church) and there is everything liberating about it! We have sharper perception because of our Church for it is held strongly with (not by) the intercessions of the saints. Through the Church, we have a stronger sense of community, for it is the body of Christ, and both the seen and unseen are part of it (the living and the dead). The Church shows us that the unseen are cooperating with us; not to the extreme where they control our lives, but only as like a voice blends in homophonic music - they add to our lives.
Why does science rejects miracles? Why, for example is not all the visibly great miracles broadcasted to the world? The light from Jesus' tomb during Easter in Jerusalem, the dripping oil from the icon of the Virgin Mary in Egypt, among countless others? It is because science never wants us to question and contemplate, only to idly accept the truths they feed to us. For if we were to begin questioning and thinking for ourselves, revolution begins.
And so where is our guardian angel, and can we see it? For rest assured this is a garuntee from King David, a man after the Lord's heart:
For he shall give his angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways. (Psalm 91:11)
There is an angel watching over us, assuredly. Blessed are those who are in communion with them! God, being munificent, gives to us everything he has so that we could feel His presence. For although there is an angel for all of us, it is there through the will of God, the angels purpose is to help divine His will for us.
And so let us pray for this, this great mystery of life, that our eyes may open so that we may see, and that our ears open, so we may hear!
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